NAT2K15 Development
FiveM Voice Chat Detector Configuration
Configure your FiveM voice chat detector with automatic channel movement and role-based settings.
Server Information
Server Name
Your FiveM server name
Discord Invite
Your Discord server invite link
Discord Settings
Bot Token
Your Discord bot token (kept secure)
Server ID
Your Discord server ID
LEO Settings
LEO Role
The Discord role for law enforcement officers
Voice Channel Settings
Move Upon Joining
Automatically move users when they join
LEO Voice Channel ID
The voice channel ID where LEOs will be moved
Civilian Voice Channel ID
The voice channel ID where civilians will be moved
Main Voice Channel
The main voice channel where users must be waiting
Staff Settings
Ignore Staff
Exclude staff members from voice channel requirements
Staff Role
The Discord role ID for staff members
Kick Settings
Kick Message
Message shown to users when they are kicked
Generate Config
Config Preview